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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Report Job Training Pharmacy

1.1 Background Job Training
Health education is an integral part of national development in health that are directed to support efforts to achieve optimal health status. In this regard, education of health personnel was held to generate qualified health personnel, capable of the task to achieve change, growth and renewal in order to meet the needs of health services for the entire community.
Academy of Pharmaceutical Saraswati Denpasar which is one of health education institutions, provide education to produce technical manpower pharmacy Associate Expert level. Pharmacy staff who are expected skilled, trained and able to develop themselves both as individuals and as a professional manpower based on the values ​​that can support health development efforts. For that purpose, to provide education primarily teaching-learning process needs to be improved continuously both quality and quantity. One effort that can be done is to provide work experience to students through job training, called the Job Training (PKL).
Job Training is a learning process on a real working unit, so that learners can get an idea and work experience directly and comprehensively. As a candidate for supporting staff in health care, the Academy of Pharmacy students Saraswati Denpasar expected to know various integrated activities include the production, distribution, service and supervision of pharmaceutical and other medical supplies, including the management of administration.
Exercises are given intensive skills in school laboratories only as a basis for working in the corporate world. Other skills such as drug control, drug counseling, application of a good attitude as health workers and the ability to collaborate with other health workers as well as how to troubleshoot problems that occur in the field has not been given in schools in particular. For that industry practice is the best way to gain knowledge and skills that have not obtained during follow education in schools.
1.2 Objectives of the Job Training
1.2.1 General Objectives
The general objectives to be achieved in the implementation of working practices of this field is as follows:
1. Improve, expand and consolidate the skills that make up the ability of learners to enter employment in accordance with the requirements specified educational program.
2. Know the activities in terms of administrative and socio-cultural aspects.
3. Provide opportunities for learners to gain real work experience and directly integrated in conducting pharmaceutical health services in hospitals, health centers and pharmacies.
4. Develop and establish ethical and professional attitude required learners to enter employment according to its area.
5. Provide opportunities for learners to socialize themselves on the atmosphere / climate of the real working environment.
6. Improve, expand and consolidate the process of absorption of new technologies from employment to school and vice versa.
7. Obtain input and feedback to improve and develop and improve the education in the Academy of Pharmacy Saraswati Denpasar.
8. Provide opportunities for job placement.
1.2.2 Specific Objectives
The specific objectives to be achieved in the implementation of field work in pharmacy practice are as follows:
1. To determine the mechanism of management of pharmaceuticals in pharmacies.
2. To determine the role of assistant pharmacist in the pharmacy.
3. To collect data for the interests of educational institutions.
4. To add a repertory of libraries in schools in order to support the promotion of the next generation of learners knowledge.
5. That students are able to understand, maintain, and develop lessons learned in school and applied in employment.
6. That students are able to find alternative solutions to problems pharmacy in accordance with established educational programs more widely and deeply revealed by a report prepared by the group.

1.3 The methodology
In preparing this report we collect data vendors by applying the observational method, namely direct observation of the activities carried out in pharmacies and interviews with technical teacher.

2.1 Pharmacy
According to Decree No. Kepmenkes. 1027/Menkes/SK/IX/2004 on Standards of Pharmaceutical Services in Pharmacy, a pharmacy is a certain place, where he did work of pharmacy and distribution of pharmaceuticals and other pharmaceutical supplies to the public. Pharmacy is managed by a pharmacist, pharmacy graduates who are already graduated and have a pharmacist oath of office, they are based on laws and regulations that apply to pharmacy work in Indonesia as a pharmacist. Requirements for the establishment of a pharmacy must have a pharmacy license, the license granted by the Minister of Health to the pharmacist or pharmacist working with the owner of the means to establish pharmacies in a particular place. Pharmacists who have been given a permit referred Pharmacist Pharmacy Manager Pharmacy (APA). Terms Pharmacist Pharmacy Management include: diplomas have been registered with the Ministry of Health; already take an oath or promise as a pharmacist; have a Work Permit or Letter of Assignment from the Minister; meet the requirements of physical and mental health to carry out his duties as a pharmacist; not work in a pharmaceutical companies and not be Pharmacist Pharmacy Manager at another pharmacy.
Pharmacy Permit may be revoked if: apoteker no longer meets the conditions set like transcripts that are not listed in the department of health; violate oath or affirmation as a pharmacist; does not longer meet the physical or mental requirements in the running duties; work as a responsible at the pharmacy or the pharmaceutical industry other pharmacists did not provide, store and deliver pharmaceutical supplies of quality and guaranteed its validity; pharmacists not to run such a good job in serving the prescription, provide information relating to proper use of drugs, safe and rational, if the pharmacist was unable to do its work more than two consecutive years; if pharmacists violate narcotics laws, hard drugs, and other provisions; Work Permit revoked Pharmacist Pharmacy Management, the owner of the pharmacy facility proved to have violated legislation in the field of medicine, or pharmacy no longer meets the requirements set .
Pharmacies must meet the following requirements: permits from the Department of Health; have a pharmacist who became a technical charge has SIK (Work Permit) or SP (Letter Assignment); have a qualified building; have the equipment to perform activities of pharmacy; have medical supplies in accordance with applicable regulations; have experts such as pharmacists, assistant pharmacists, administrators, and others. There is a deed of agreement between the Pharmacist Manager Pharmacy notary by means of a pharmacy owner (PSA).
Liability Pharmacist Pharmacy Management, among others: serve recipes in accordance with the responsibilities and professional expertise; not permitted to substitute generic drugs by patent medicine, in which case the patient is unable to redeem written on prescription drugs, pharmacists consult with your doctor for a more appropriate drug selection; required to provide information relating to the use of drugs delivered to patients; required to provide precise information on drug use, safe, rational at the request of the community; if the pharmacist considers that there are errors in prescribing or inappropriate prescribing, the pharmacist must notify the physician prescribers ; because of certain considerations physician prescribers remain at its founding, the doctor must declare in writing or signing the above recipe.
If the pharmacist was unable to attend on certain days, the pharmacist was replaced by assistant pharmacist, and if the pharmacist was unable to attend more than three months continuously then replaced by a pharmacist pharmacists who already have a driver replacement work permit and not acting as a pharmacist at the pharmacy pharmacy pengolola other. The transfer of responsibility for managing the pharmacy include: any transfer of management responsibilities caused by the replacement of pharmacy to the pharmacist substitutes APA, shall perform the handover prescription, narcotics, drugs and other pharmaceutical supplies as well as key storage of narcotics and psychotropic substances; during the handover must be made of Minutes handover.
In performing their duties aided by assistant pharmacist pharmacists is that they are based on legislation in force is entitled to do the job as an assistant pharmacist pharmacy. Assistant pharmacist on duty serving the prescription in accordance with the responsibilities and the professional standard that is based on the interests of society and serving the sale of drugs that can be bought without a prescription; provide information relating to the use / consumption of drugs given to patients; appropriate use of drugs, safe and rational at the request of the community.
The information provided should be correct, clear and easy to understand and how to tailor delivery, selective, ethical, thoughtful and careful. Information provided to patients at least include: how to use drugs, how drug storage, treatment period, food / drinks / activities that should be avoided during therapy and other necessary information; respect the rights of patients and keep secret the identity and personal health data of patients ; do pharmacy management include: the creation, management, compounding, conversion of form, mixing, storage and delivery of drugs and drug ingredients, as well as procurement, storage, distribution and delivery of other pharmaceuticals.
According to Government Regulation No. 25 of 1980 pharmacies have the duties and functions as follows: the dedication the profession of a pharmacist who has been sworn into office; facilities that perform compounding pharmacy, changing shapes, mixing and delivery of drugs or drug ingredients, and pharmaceutical supplies dealer facilities should distribute the required medicine is widespread and equitable society.
According to the Decree of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Number: 1332/Menkes/SK / X/2002 on the Amendment Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia Number: 922/Menkes/Per/X / 1993 on the Provisions and Procedures for Granting Licenses Pharmacies, pharmacy licensing procedures are as follows:
1. Pharmacy license application submitted to the Chief Public Health District using a model form of APT-1
2. Using APT-2 form to the Chief Medical Officer not later than 6 (six) working days after receiving an application may request technical assistance to Central POM to examine the readiness of pharmacies to conduct activities
3. Team Health Service District or Head of POM not later than 6 (six) working days after request technical assistance from the Head of District Health reported the results of local examinations using the example of APT-3 Form
4. In the case of the examination referred to in paragraph (2) and (3) not implemented, pharmacist applicant may make a statement ready to conduct activities to To the Department of Health / local City by using the example of the form APT-4
5. Within 12 (twelve) working days after receiving the examination report as referred to paragraph (3) or the statement referred to in paragraph (4) Head of District Health issued a pharmacy permit by using the example of the form APT-5
6. In the event that inspection teams of Health Department District Chief of Balai POM or referred to in paragraph (3) are not yet qualified, Chief Medical Officer of Regency / Municipality within 12 (twelve) working days issue a Letter Delays by removing a sample form of APT-6
7. Against Postponement Letter as referred to paragraph (6), pharmacists are given the opportunity to complete the requirements that have not been fulfilled at the latest within a period of 1 (one) month from the date of Letter of Suspension.
2.2 Pharmacy Management
2.2.1 Human Resources Management
According to the provisions prevailing pharmacy must be managed by a professional pharmacist. In managing the Pharmacy, Pharmacist should always have the ability to provide and providing good service, take the right decisions, ability to communicate between the professions, placing himself as putting the leadership in multidisciplinary situations, the ability to manage human resources effectively, always learning throughout a career, and help provide education and provide opportunities to increase knowledge.
2.2.2 Management of Pharmacy Services and Tools
Pharmacies are located in areas that were easily recognizable by the public. On the front page there are clear signs that the written word Pharmacy. Pharmacies should be able to be easily accessed by members of the public. Services provided pharmaceutical products in the space separate from the activities of services and sales of other products, it is useful to show integrity and product quality and reduce the risk of transfer errors.
The community must be direct and easy access by the pharmacist to obtain information and counseling. Pharmacies must be kept clean environment. Pharmacies must be free of rodents and insects. Pharmacies must be free from the constant electricity supply, especially for refrigerators.
Pharmacies must have a comfortable waiting area for patients, a place to mendisplai information for patients, including the placement of brochures or informational materials, enclosed space for counseling for patients who are equipped with tables and chairs and cabinets to store records for the medication of patients, space for dispensing medicine, washing equipment, waste baskets are available for staff and patients.
Furniture should be arranged neatly pharmacy, complete with shelves penyimpannan medicine and other goods are also well-organized, protected from dust, moisture and excessive light and placed at room condition with a predetermined temperature.

2.2.3 Management of Pharmaceutical Preparations and Other Health Supplies
Pharmaceutical supply management and other medical supplies made pursuant to the applicable legislation includes: planning, procurement, storage and service. Drug expenditure system using FIFO (first in, first out) and FEFO (first expired first out)
In planning the procurement of pharmaceutical supplies to note the pattern of disease, the ability of communities and cultural communities. To ensure quality pharmaceutical services, the procurement of pharmaceutical supplies must be through official channels.
Drug / drug ingredients should be stored in original container from the factory. In the case of exception or emergency where the content is transferred to another container, then have prevented the occurrence of contamination and should be written in clear information on the new container, the container at least contain the batch number and expiration date. All ingredients should be stored in appropriate conditions, feasible and ensure the stability of the material.
2.2.4 Management Administration
In carrying out pharmacy service at the pharmacy, should be carried out administrative activities which include public administration and administrative services. Public administration includes mutilation, archiving, reporting of narcotics, psychotropic substances and documentation in accordance with applicable regulations, while the administration service includes archiving recipes, archiving remarks patient treatment, archiving the results of monitoring drug use.
2.3 Pharmacy Services
2.3.1 Prescription Service
a. Screening Recipes
Against the received prescriptions must be screened in advance by the pharmacist before it is served. Screening recipes include administrative requirements, suitability of pharmaceutical and clinical considerations. Administrative requirements include: name, address of the SIP and doctors; date of prescribing; signature / initials physician prescribers; name, address, age, gender, and body weight of patients; name drug, potency, dosage, amount requested, how to use clear; and other information. Pharmaceutical suitability include: dosage form, dosage, potency, stability, incompatibility, and the old ways of giving. Clinical Considerations include: the existence of allergies, side effects, interactions, compliance (dose, duration, number of medications and others).
If there are doubts about the prescription the doctor should be consulted to prescribers by providing the necessary considerations and alternatives when necessary use approval after notification.
b. Preparation of Drugs (Compounding)
Compounding is an activity to prepare, weigh, mix, package and deliver labels on containers. In implementing the compounding of drugs must be made a permanent procedure with respect to dose, type and amount of drugs as well as writing the correct etiquette. Etiquette drug should be clear and legible. Drugs should be packaged neatly in a suitable packaging so that quality is maintained.
c. Drug Delivery
Before the drugs delivered to patients should be made final inspection of the appropriateness of prescription drugs. Delivery of drugs by the pharmacist with providing drug information and counseling to patients and health professionals.
d. Provision of Drug Information
Pharmacists must provide correct information, clear and easy to understand, accurate, unbiased, ethical, thoughtful, and current. Drug information to patients at least include: how to use drugs, how drug storage, treatment period, activity and food and beverages should be avoided during therapy.
e. Counseling
Pharmacists should provide counseling about pharmaceuticals, medicine and other medical supplies, so as to improve the quality of life of patients or concerned to avoid a danger of abuse or use of any pharmaceutical or other medical supplies.
For people with certain diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma, and other chronic diseases, pharmacists must provide counseling on an ongoing basis.
f. Monitoring Drug Use
After delivery of the drug to the patient, the pharmacist should carry out monitoring of drug use, particularly for certain patients such as cardiovascular, diabetes, tuberculosis, asthma, and other chronic diseases.

2.3.2 Promotion and Education.
In the framework of community empowerment, the pharmacist should participate actively in the promotion and education. Pharmacists will help to disseminate information, such as by distributing leaflets / brochures, posters, counseling, and others.
2.3.3 Residential Services (Home Care)
Pharmacist as a care giver is also expected to perform pharmaceutical services that are home visits, especially for groups of elderly and patients with other chronic disease treatment. For these activities the pharmacist shall make a note of the treatment (medication record).

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